
The trees are swaying in the breeze and I try to stand steadily in the gale, but the only thing holding my attention  is the hand that I hold. It’s an odd combination of sunshine and gusts. He is perfection and the sun appears to emanate from his eyes. Looking up, I’m not entirely convinced that I’m imagining it. The clouds of the past are gone and I know that it’s time to start thinking about all that is to come. Without words spoken, I understand how safe and loved I am in this moment and it propels me into forever. Anything is possible and I mean that in the best of ways. Someone used to say that to me in a menacing tone, but those memories are as over as the cloudy skies. Anything means everything good, edifying and life-giving. 

Long Time!

I’m currently between projects but a little horrified at how long it’s taken me to post an update here. I’m so sorry for my lack of writing discipline.

Being part of the JuNoWriMo crew was everything I hoped it would be and more. I plan on helping on the crew every year. This time I worked on social media for the Twitter account, which basically meant promoting the project and finding new writers to join us. It was so much fun because I love meeting new writers and watching them experience the beautiful camaraderie that is JuNoWriMo. Being in a group with other creative people as we journey through our thirty days of writing madness is unlike anything else. I was rather disappointed when the month was over!

I would like to start a new project to keep things from going stagnant from now till NaNo in November but haven’t decided on anything specific. My summer projects were all smaller works blended together, so this might make a better platform than what I’ve done in previous years.

How have you spent your summer?