The Keeper Of Fireflies

For those who dream and fight the impossible. Thank you. You exist now and forever in your light. 

I spin and swirl while you make the colorful snowflakes fall around me. They float in the air above my head and drift down, down, down until I can catch them on my tongue, sugar sweet and exhilarating. I have come to the forest by the light of a full moon because I know you will be here, pressing the keys that set the music in motion. You beckon me and we walk as though in dreams to a clearing where the fireflies have congregated, so thick that I can’t see either you or myself, just the blurs of light dancing, twirling, singing. The song is familiar and was something I knew from the moment I heard it. The fireflies came to me then and I chased them at once, never looking back. Don’t look back, I ask you with my dance. Go forward forever into the thickness of hope because not everyone was created to be a keeper of fireflies. 

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